Online Open House Meeting - Wednesday, February 19th, 2025, 6 PM PST / 8 PM CST / 9 PM EST
Want to learn more about our church? Thinking of attending a Hummingbird Church retreat, or still determining if ayahuasca is for you? 🤔
We will be giving away a free weekend retreat. Attend live for a chance to win! 🎟️
On Wednesday, February 19th, 2025 at 6 PM PST / 8 PM CST / 9 PM EST, we will be hosting a Zoom open house. This is your opportunity to learn more about our church, our retreats, the indigenous healers we work with, ayahuasca, and ask any questions you may have.
You can RSVP by entering your email address, this will trigger us to send you an email reminder about the meeting. You can also use the RSVP link to send us any questions that you want to ensure we address in this meeting, we'd love to hear from you. Link to RSVP
Meeting ID: 829 2160 6889
Passcode: 221242
Want to learn more about our church? Checkout these articles and news stories that we have been featured in. 📰 📺
Hear Some of Our Ceremony Musicians 🎶
Here is a link to hear some of our musicians, Gil and Eloy.
Here are the responses to ALL of the questions that we have received from our previous Open Houses.
We have added the newer questions to the top. You will also have a chance to ask questions on the Zoom meeting, after we have gone through our presentation.
Q: Can I view the recording if I am unable to attend the live call?
A: Yes, everyone who RSVP'd will be sent a link to the call recording.
Q: What can I expect for my first experience?
A: This is an experience that is different for everyone. We cannot predict the future so we cannot give you a confident answer of how this experience will go. It is not uncommon for people ingesting ayahuasca for the first time to need more medicine that those who have already participated in ceremony. Often times people participating in their first ceremony have anxiety about feeling the effects and will either consciously or subconsciously do things to distract themselves from connecting with the medicine. This is why we cannot stress enough the importance of surrendering and trusting. You will receive what you need at that moment in time. We cannot guarantee that it will be what you want or that you will enjoy it, but we can confidently say that the medicine gives you what you need.
Q: Does ayahuasca really help people heal trauma and find life purpose?
A: Absolutely. Our team is living proof of this. Ayahuasca is a powerful tool that people have been using for thousands of years to heal, live better lives, and connect with God. Ayahuasca is not a quick fix or a magic pill. It can serve as the catalyst for making huge changes in life, it can show you a better way to live, and it can introduce you to yourself in a deep an intimate way that you may have yet to experience.
Q: Do you remember what happens when you take ayahuasca?
A: You will more than likely remember your experience. It is rare that a person does not remember their ceremony. Sometimes participants fall asleep for parts of ceremony and do not recall those periods of time. The vast majority of people are conscious able to control themselves while ingesting ayahuasca.
Q: How much time should I give myself off of work before I return to work after retreat?
A: You will not regent taking Monday off. If you can take time off before going back to work, do so. It is not necessary, but it will be beneficial. You really want to show yourself as much self-love as possible within the first 14 days following your retreat. Remember that you changed, but the world remained the same. Your heart is going to be so open! So, if your work brings you down, stresses you out, or you have a toxic work environment, then give yourself at least a day before returning to that.
Q: What is the cost of your retreats?
A: The average cost is $1,100.00; this is for a basic weekend retreat. Some retreats cost more Due to group size, increased offerings at retreat, staff, and location. Retreats can then range from $1,250.00 to $1,500.00. The 8-day trip to Brazil cost $2,000.00 and does not include your airfare to Brazil.
Q: Why do your retreats cost so much?
A: We are bringing trained, professional, indigenous medicine carriers to the United States from the Amazon of South America, this alone is expensive. The majority of the earnings go towards supporting their family, villages, and environmental and developmental projects in the Amazon. We also pay for our locations as we are not conducting retreats on church property, our retreats are mobile. We must all travel to the locations which incurs another expense, we provide meals, activities, and the necessary ceremony supplies for your comfort. And while we do have a group of volunteers that assist with retreats, many of our church team members are paid and also support themselves and their families with their earnings. To be straight up, putting these retreats on is a lot of work and we feel a higher calling to do this, no one is getting rich off of these retreats, and you should feel good about where your money is going.
Q: Where are your retreats located?
A: Currently in; Southern California, Northern California, Southern Utah, and Southern Oregon. We will soon be adding summer 2025 dates for Des Moines Iowa, Houston Texas, Nashville Tennessee, Miami Florida, and New York.
Q: What can I expect to take place at your retreats?
A: Most of our retreats consist of 2 ayahuasca ceremonies, (yes, you need more that 1 ceremony especially if you have never taken ayahuasca before). Checkin is typically between 5 PM and 7 PM on Fridays, and retreat wraps after lunch around 1 PM on Sunday. Before the first ceremony we will do introductions, explain the ceremony protocols, answer questions, and gather phones and car keys. You will get your phones and keys back each morning at breakfast. After introductions on night one and before ceremony on night two, we will conduct a breathwork session. We start each morning with breakfast, then a share circle, followed by lunch, then activities such as song circle, sound bath, meditation, drumming, and or a crafting activity, we will have a light dinner then do breathwork and begin the second ceremony. Every activity we engage in at retreat is to serve as a tool to help you in your life. The activities vary based on the staff working each retreat and the location.
Q: Are meals provided, if so what kind of food is served?
A: Yes, meals are provided. All meals have vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options. The meals vary based on who is cooking.
Q: What lodging can I expect at the different locations?
A: We always offer the option to sleep in the ceremony room or a common space, with mats and bedding provided. Some of our locations offer upgraded accommodations. Below is a summary of the accommodations by location.
Southern California - Lucerne Valley
This is a camping retreat. You can bring your own tent, hammock, or RV. You have the option of sleeping in the heated ceremony event tent on the mat and bedding provided for ceremony. There are heated showers at this location, however you will be using portable toilets.
Northern California - Nevada City
You will be provided with bedding and a mat to stay in the ceremony room, this is a large indoor space that is climate controlled. There are heated showers and flushing toilets at this location as all accommodations are indoors.
Southern Oregon - Medford area (Applegate Valley)
This is a camping retreat. You can bring your own tent, hammock, or RV. You have the option of sleeping in the heated geodesic dome that ceremony will take place in. We will provide a mat and bedding to those who will be sleeping in the ceremony space. You will participate in ceremony using a meditation chair with a back jack and yoga mat. There are heated showers at this location, however you will be using portable toilets.
Southern Utah - St. George area (Hildale)
All accommodations are indoors and climate controlled. Women and men will have separate sleeping areas and be provided with mats and bedding. There are heated showers and flushing toilets at this location as all accommodations are indoors. There are also options to upgrade to a shared room with twin or queen beds, or to book a private room. You will participate in ceremony using a meditation chair with a back jack and yoga mat.
Q: Can my spouse and I sleep in the same space at the retreats, why do you make us sleep separately?
A: We do not separate genders for religious reasons or because we think you are going to have sex. We separate genders in common areas reserved for ceremony and sleeping because many of our participants are survivors of sexual assault. We create this separation for the comfort and safety of our participants. The ceremonies conducted by the Yawanawa encourage friends and family to be near each other in ceremony, in this instance we will put mixed gender groups of friends and family together in their own area. You are free to sleep with your opposite gender spouse, partner, or friend when you are not in the ceremony room, or a common area reserved for sleeping. At camping retreats, you can bring a tent or RV and sleep with whomever you'd like to. In Utah we have some private room options as well, when you get a private room, you share the room with anyone you are coming to retreat with. We do not recommend sharing your room with a participant that you just met. Please understand we are not trying to be weirdos; we are just wanting everyone to feel safe and comfortable.
Q: Is this a pagan or Christian church? Is this against Christianity?
A: Neither. We are an interfaith religious organization with members of all different beliefs. We respect ALL paths and will not preach any religious beliefs at you. We believe in a benevolent God, that the universe loves and supports us, that death is not the end but merely another transformation of energy, and that with healing and some hard work we can all live the life we dream of. We believe that there are many paths to God and to each their own. I myself (founder) am a Catholic, born into it and no desire to change my religion. Ayahuasca has absolutely slapped the dogma and religious judgement out of me, but I never gave up my religious faith, it's a part of me that I love, and it's a tool that helps me in life. We have many staff and members that are not part of any religious group, some that have left cults and religions, and others that are devote in their faith. We do not believe that ayahuasca is against God or any religion, we believe that it is a conduit to God, whatever that God may look like to you.
Q: Is ayahuasca legal? Are the cops going to raid the ceremony?
A: In the United States, the DMT contained in ayahuasca, on its own is considered a Schedule 1 substance, and illegal. We are a church, and we are using this in sincere religious practice, we have the constitutional right to do so as stated in the First Amendment, later reinforced by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, and multiple other legal rulings. We have a webpage, social media, and open many of our ceremonies up to the public to attend. We would not do any of this if we feared being arrested. We also do not go where we are not welcomed. Meaning we are not setting up shop in a neighborhood that now has to deal with an ayahuasca church with ceremonies taking place each weekend. Most Americans do not want to live next door to a place that has music being played late into the night, groups of people who may not be in control of their faculties, drumming, and people screaming. Ayahuasca does not make a good neighbor. When there have been issues with churches and law enforcement, the vast majority of the time it has to do with neighbors being unhappy about what is going on next door to them, and demanding law enforcement do something about it. It is not a win for the DEA, Department of Homeland Security, or local law enforcement to barge into a sincere religious ceremony and start arresting people.
Q: Where do you source your medicine from? How do you know it is pure? How is the dosage determined?
A: We work with indigenous medicine carriers that make their own medicine. We aren't sourcing medicine from some dude from Peru on Facebook Marketplace, and we highly recommend that you do not do that either. Our medicine carriers live in the Amazon rainforest, they grow and ethically source the plants that they cook and prepare for their medicine. They each prepare their medicine a little differently based on the teachings of their lineage, but there are no other substances going in the medicine aside from the leaf and vine. The Colombian lineages sometimes work with a drink that contains some alcohol in it, it is not enough alcohol to impact you in a negative way, it is also not served to everyone. The medicine carrier determines the dosage, this is typically a shot glass amount of ayahuasca for each serving. You are offered at least 2 servings per ceremony and are able to take more if desired and needed. The medicine carriers use their knowledge and experience to determine the dosages. If you are not feeling the medicine after 2 separate standard dosages, then you may be given a larger dose. The medicine carrier may ask what type of experience you would like, light, medium, or strong, and give you a dosage based on that. Just know that each carrier does things a little bit differently and each one has the knowledge and experience to properly dose you. Remember that the magic is in the ceremony, ayahuasca is not a drug, and we are working with spirits and energy. You aren't eating mushrooms at home with your friends, this is sacred and very special.
Q: I have never done a psychedelic / drug before, so I am not sure this is for me.
A: Ayahuasca is not a psychedelic or a drug, so you will still be able to say that statement after attending retreat. Ayahuasca is a sacred ancestral medicine, and you are doing this with indigenous medicine carriers in a ceremony. This isn't Burning Man. We do this to commune with God, to get to know ourselves better, and to become better humans. We do not do this to get high, nor do we get high. This is not a fun experience, and this isn't recreational drug use. For participants that have done drugs and taken psychedelics before, you do not have an upper hand or an advantage. It is best to come to each ceremony free of expectations and prepared to receive and surrender.
Q: Why do most people attend your retreats?
A: People attend our retreats to heal. The most common things that people are looking to heal from are grief, loneliness/isolation, anger, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, sexual abuse, pornography addiction, addictions to marijuana and alcohol, coming to terms with a terminal illness/dying, PTSD, feeling lost in life and uninspired, and to forgive themselves and others.
Q: How do I know if I am ready to take ayahuasca or ready to participate in another ayahuasca ceremony?
A: Unfortunately, that is entirely up to you to determine. We can give you some advice that will hopefully help you make the right decision for yourself. First ask yourself, am I ready for change? Ayahuasca can greatly change your life. If you do not desire change and feel that you are already living your best life, then don't just take ayahuasca to have an experience, our ceremonies are not for an experience. Please do not come if you are looking to get high or have a psychedelic experience, we are not the group for you, we recommend you find one that caters to psychonauts. Also, make sure you know why you are doing this. If you are doing this for some ungrounded reason like to obtain superpowers or to talk to aliens, then we do not recommend that you participant in our ceremonies. If you are doing this to heal, be a better human, live a happier life, feel connection to God and others, or confront the source of your pain and or addiction, or just stuck and do not know what to do with your life, then ayahuasca might be the right choice for you. If participating in ayahuasca ceremonies is causing you financial hardship, causing unwanted problems in your life, limiting your ability to take care of your family and obligations, resulting in periods of extreme unrest, or you do not feel like it is helping you live a better life, then don't do it. If you have taken ayahuasca before and are contemplating another retreat, then ask yourself, am I ready for more? Are you in a place in your life where you can handle more information, do you have the capacity for more change, have you integrated and made the changes needed from your last ceremony? If those answers are a no, then please wait until you are ready.
Q: What YouTube videos or books do you recommend to help me prepare myself for ceremony?
A: Educate yourself about what ayahuasca is and make sure it is safe for you to consume. Really check-in with yourself to understand why you are electing to do this. Reading a bunch of books or watching a bunch of videos that tell you what to expect can end up creating some really unrealistic expectations of what to expect in ceremony. Trust that the less expectations that you have, the better off you will be. We do recommend any activity that helps you trust in God and surrender. It can be really hard to trust in God if you feel that God has been doing you dirty your whole life, and hard for you to surrender if people have proven time and time again to you that they cannot be trusted. So, with that said, we recommend whatever you can do to help you in both those areas. It will for sure help you in ceremony to trust God and be able to let go and not attempt to control the situation. Many of our participants state that Dr. Joe Dispenza lectures and meditations help them with these areas. Another team member highly recommended the books, "The Body Keeps the Score", by Bessell Van Der Kolk, and the book, "When the Body Says No", by Dr. Gabor Mate. I personally found that sensory deprivation float tanks were huge for helping me trust and surrender, as they were legit the scariest thing I could think to do. Now what once scared the shit out of me has now become my place of refuge, all I had to do was trust and surrender. We also recommend the practices of our original breathwork facilitator, Witalij Martynow, you can find more information regarding his practices and offerings at www.witality.co. And when all else fails, pray! Just try speaking to God.
Q: What kind of preparation do I need to do to attend retreat?
A: The most important preparation is for you come to retreat in the best physical condition that you can. If you have medications that have contraindications with MAOIs, you must have them out of your system. You need to be off all prescriptions, alcohol, and marijuana that can numb the effects of ayahuasca. We recommend that you come as well rested and well hydrated as possible. You do not need to go on any crazy diet to prepare, and we highly advise against fasting to prepare or doing any major detox diets or cleanses right before retreat. You need your strength for this process, you need electrolytes, and you do not want to come to this process already dehydrated. Below are the basic recommendations for preparation.
Stop marijuana, alcohol, microdosing, illicit drugs, medication that has contraindications with MAOIs, and medications that numb the effects of ayahuasca. Do this as soon as you safely can, if getting off a medication you must discuss this with your prescribing physician, or we suggest that you consult with Dr. Ben Malcom www.spiritpharmacist.com. You cannot attend retreat if you are in active withdraw of any substance. If you experience DTs when you stop drinking, you must medically detox before attempting to attend retreat. We suggest a minimum of 3 days sober but the more time the better, two weeks sober is ideal.
Do NOT take any psychedelics to prepare or to integrate your ayahuasca experience. Stone cold sober is the best way to prepare and to integrate. If you are struggling with addiction, then do the best you can.
7 Days Before Retreat
Drink 2 liters of water a day
Stop eating red meat and pork
Stop consuming alcohol, marijuana, and substances that numb the effects of ayahuasca
No energy drinks, coffee and tea are fine
Stop having casual sex and consuming pornography. If you are in a healthy loving relationship then we have nothing to say about if you continue to engage in sexual intercourse, that is up to you.
3 Days Before Retreat
Continue everything listed above
Ensure all supplements and or medications with contraindications to MAOIs are out of your system. Research the half-lives of any of these substances to ensure they are totally out of your system at least 3 days prior to retreat.
Go vegetarian or vegan, if possible, no chicken or fish. Eating plant-based foods for 3 days can help prepare your digestive system. If you cannot then just follow the diet mentioned in the 7-day preparation.
Avoid spicy food and food with excessive amounts of garlic. It is no fun vomiting these up or having heartburn in ceremony.
Day of the Retreat
Follow all above instructions and stop eating at 3 PM. Juice and fruit is fine until 5 PM. If you are on a GLP-1 then be aware that food stays in your stomach longer than normal, so eat light and eat soft foods the day of ceremony.
Q: Do your retreat leaders or staff have any medical training?
A: Yes, most of our staff is CPR, First Aid, and Basic Life Support Certified. We also always have a doctor or nurse present at the retreat, that is there incase an actual medical emergency arises, but more importantly we are not afraid to call 911 if needed. We have no fear of getting in trouble with law enforcement and would not put your life at risk. If an emergency happens and emergency medical attention is needed, we will call 911. Keeping you safe is our primary concern.
Q: How many people attend your retreats?
A: Our retreats that are open to the public have been 25 - 35 participants. We will always have at least 8 staff members available to assist in ceremony.
Q: As a sexual assault survivor, how do I know I will be safe when in an altered state?
A: This is a question you should absolutely ask any organization that you are considering attending a ceremony or retreat with. We have men and women separated in ceremony, this is for the comfort and safety of our guests. Men will be on one side and women on the other. Our female staff only helps females, and male staff helps males. If a male is needed to assist, then there will always be at least one female present. We also know our staff very well and would never leave you in the hands of a stranger. You will not be alone with anyone unless you are having a one-on-one service such as massage, which take place outside of ceremony and when you are no longer under the influence of the medicine.
Q: Can ayahuasca be dangerous?
A: Yes, there are many medical conditions, medications, and situations in which ayahuasca can be dangerous to the participant. We screen participants before accepting them to retreat to determine if ayahuasca is safe for them to ingest. All medications and supplements that you are taking must be researched to determine if they have negative drug interactions with MAOIs, including medications that are MAOIs. Mental health medications, including lithium, are the ones that most commonly have to be stopped prior to coming to retreat, however there are many more medications, so we suggest discussing the interactions with your prescribing provider. Ayahuasca is not safe for people with seizure disorders, heart conditions, schizophrenia, psychotic disorders, bipolar disorder, severe liver disease, and those experiencing withdrawal symptoms from drugs, alcohol, or prescribed medications. Ayahuasca can also pose a risk when vomiting as there is the risk of choking, which is why we have team members to watch you, and why we do not recommend that you lay on your back during ceremony. Ayahuasca can make you feel lightheaded or dizzy, so team members will escort you to and from the bathroom, fire, and mat while in ceremony.
Q: Do I have to stop taking all medication prior to attending retreat?
A: You must stop any medication that has a contraindication with MAOIs. Lithium is also very dangerous and must be stopped prior to attending retreat. You also need to be off medications, supplements and street drugs that can numb the effects of ayahuasca. Benzodiazepines must be discontinued, you are wasting your time, energy, and money if you continue usage of drugs of this class prior to retreat. You are also putting your life at risk if you attempt to attend retreat while experiencing withdrawal from Benzodiazepines or alcohol. Habitual daily usage of marijuana and or alcohol will also numb the effects, we cannot stress enough to stop using marijuana and alcohol for as long as possible leading up to retreat and after retreat. If you are taking testosterone, it may be harder for you to feel the effects of ayahuasca, and you may require more than the standard dosage.
Q: How long does ayahuasca last?
A: That is different for everyone. Most people feel effects for 2 to 4 hours, per serving. You are typically served two servings of ayahuasca with the effects of each serving lasting for 2 to 4 hours. If you have had gastric bypass surgery, you will likely feel the medicine within the first 30 minutes and for a shorter amount of time, like 2 hours. If you are taking a GLP-1 such as Ozempic, you can expect the effects to last for 4 hours or longer.
Q: What support do you offer to people after taking ayahuasca?
A: Each retreat group has their own integration call with Michael Vasconez. Each Wednesday at 7 PM PST we offer a community check-in call. For those who need one-on-one support we have integration coaches we recommend that are for pay coaches that you would work with directly. If you are experiencing severe emotional issues going into retreat, we recommend that you work with a licensed clinician who can provide you with the support needed. There are also free resources that we can recommend to you as well.
Q: Is there an age limit or age range for participating in ceremony?
A: We will not serve anyone under 21 years of age. We also do not recommend anyone over age 80 take ayahuasca. The most important factor is that you are in adequate health and do not have a health condition or medication that could have a contraindication with ayahuasca.
Q: Where are you located, can I visit your location?
A: We are based out of Southern California but travel to various locations to host retreats. We do not have a standing location that you go to for retreats, we only have an office.
Q: Why are there not videos of your retreat locations?
A: We have really been behind the times in regard to marketing and technology, our focus has been on the quality of our retreats and not the production value of marketing material. We understand that having videos and photos are important information for helping someone determine the retreat and location they would like to attend, and we promise to get more videos and photos published to our website. We will be adding photos of locations and any videos that we have of them to our existing event listings. Also check out the bottom of this email to see the news stories we have been featured in.
Q: Why do you not do ayahuasca retreats in more urban areas?
A: We do not conduct ayahuasca retreats in urban areas for many reasons. The locations that we select for retreats allow you to connect with nature, which is so import to the healing process. The energy and sounds of a city will interfere with the ceremonies. Also, it is not uncommon for people to make loud noises or scream in a ceremony. Hearing this would be very jarring to people in the area and could result in calls to 911 if the neighbors are not aware that a retreat is taking place or if they feel that someone is not safe.
Q: How do people get to your locations since they are in such remote locations?
A: Most people drive to our retreats, they either fly to an airport and rent a car or drive themselves from their homes. In Utah, Oregon, and Northern California, we offer airport pickups from the regional airports. We do not offer airport transport in Southern California as there are so many airports and our participants tend to be local. If a ride is needed, we will always do what we can to assist with carpooling or having a team member pick you up. We ask that you email [email protected] if you are having trouble with coordinating transportation. You can also to FlixBus from urban areas to bus stops nearby our retreat locations, we will then pick you up from the bus stop.
Q: Why do you not have video testimonies online?
A: Getting a testimony from someone who just drank ayahuasca will tell you nothing, of course they will say it's amazing, they just drank ayahuasca. Ayahuasca isn't a quick fix or a magic pill, it's hard work and the change is up to you. We feel getting testimonies from people who just attended retreat is misleading and predatory. The real work comes after ceremony, you do not know what results you have actually achieved until you return to your life and have processed your ceremonies. We will be reaching out to participants who drank ayahuasca at least 6 months ago to see who is comfortable making a real deal video about how ayahuasca has impacted their lives. Until then you can visit our page on Google to read reviews, go on Safe Ceremonies, or checkout Reddit threads.
Q: Do you offer hot tubs and cold plunges?
A: These are not a staple of our retreats. If we do a retreat at a location that has these offerings, we will state that on the event page for that retreat.
Q: Do you incorporate animals into your retreats or have therapy animals for people to connect with?
A: We do not typically have animals at our retreat locations. Some of the retreat location owners have animals, all of which are safe for people to be around and touch, however this is not a standard offering for our retreats.